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What’s a Marketing Pixel and Why Should You Care?

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19-03-06 02:46
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Ever visited a business website only to have ads for the business magically follow you as you browse other sites and social media platforms? If you’re curious to know exactly how that’s done, you’re going to want to get acquainted with marketing pixels (also known as tracking pixels). Used properly, these tiny bits of code can transform your digital ad campaigns, optimize your website, and even increase online conversions.

What’s a marketing pixel?

Pixels are snippets of code that allow you to gather valuable information about website visitors and what actions they took, so you can send them ads that are most relevant to them. Pixels are vital for measuring campaign performance, tracking conversions, and automatically building audiences based on behavior.

What does a pixel look like?

A pixel is a small snippet of code that allows a 3rd party to track user behavior.

What are the most common types of pixels?

Retargeting pixels
Retargeting pixels track visitors to your website and allow you to send ad campaigns to them if they leave without taking the action you wanted them to take, like making a purchase. Ever see those sneakers you were checking out start appearing on websites and social platforms you’re browsing? That’s retargeting!

Conversion pixels 
Conversion pixels track sales (or any other defined conversion metric) from your ad campaign, which will help you evaluate your campaign’s success.

Why do marketing pixels matter?

Conversion and Remarketing pixels are important because the information gathered allow you to understand more about visitors to your website and use that information to iterate and improve marketing efforts. Pixels are also used to continue the conversation through paid ads after they’ve left your site– especially if they didn’t complete a desired or expected action, like making a purchase. 

Pixels are snippets of code that allow you to gather valuable information about your website visitors.CLICK TO TWEET

What are the most common ad platforms using pixels?

marketing pixel

There are many platforms out there using pixel, but here are some of the most notable players: 

How can you track pixel performance?

Ad platforms allow you to track and analyze the success of your paid advertisements. These reports will show you how your paid advertisements are performing so you can determine 1) if you’re targeting the right audience 2) if you’re allocating the right ad spend to each ad you run.

For conversion pixels, you will be able to see all purchase data reported in the dashboard of the ad platform you’re using including post-click and post-view.

Post-click refers to users who clicked your ads and made a purchase, either in the same session as a click or within some period of time after the click.

Post-view refers to users who viewed an ad and did not click but subsequently made a purchase.

With your retargeting pixel, it’s also important to evaluate the size of your retargeting segments to understand how many prospective users you can go after with your retargeting ads to bring them back to your site. 

Now that you know just why these tiny snippets of code are important, you’re ready to employ pixels to better understand your website visitors, make smarter choices with your marketing efforts, and see your sales increase.

Ready for more ways to get the most from your digital marketing efforts? Check out the ebook, Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Turn More Website Visitors Into Attendees.
